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When is a Root Canal needed?

Root Canal Therapy is an involved process so we'll only use it if it is absolutely necessary. If there is potential to use a less complex, cheaper alternative, Dr Karu will explore those options with you first.

Common signs that you might need a root canal include:

  • Sensitivity to hot or cold that lasts an abnormal amount of time after the source has been removed

  • Severe toothaches

  • Extensive visible decay on the tooth

  • Swollen and/or tender gums

  • Swelling of the face or neck

​Sometimes there are no obvious symptoms at all, so it's important that you get regular check-ups at the dentist to help identify issues early (or avoid them altogether).

aesthetic reasons, they​ have many other benefits.​

We often get asked:

Do I need a root canal?

Learn about Root Canal Therapy with us!

Optimum Dental

What is a Root Canal?

Even with a strong dental hygiene regime, it can be easy to miss a cavity or two. Left long enough and you may have advanced tooth decay. This is where the decay has eaten into the tooth's nerve complex. At Optimum Dental, we take a conservative approach to dentistry and prefer to save your natural tooth over extractions or replacements where possible. To do this, Root Canal Therapy is employed where we use highly specialised, fine instrumentation to remove the infected pulp deep inside the tooth and its roots, allowing us to remove the infection entirely and it's associated pain while allowing you to keep the tooth! 

What can I expect during a root canal?

A root canal will begin with pain management measures to ensure your comfort throughout the procedure. Typically, you will not feel any pain whatsoever during the procedure. How long it will take depends on which tooth we are addressing. The back teeth will take a bit longer because they generally contain more canals, and the numbing process can take longer for a back tooth. More severe infection can also take longer to numb. Typically, a root canal is completed in 30-60 minutes.

The first step is to have the infection cleaned out from the tooth. The nerve canal of the root is then sealed off to prevent reinfection from occurring. To complete your root canal, we’ll then construct a dental crown and fit it to the compromised tooth, protecting it from damage. This measure is necessary to ensure that your tooth can function and stay strong as it should.

Do you think you may need a root canal?

If you are experiencing strong tooth aches or headaches, or have any of the symptoms mentioned in this article, you may need a root canal. But many patients visit us thinking they need a root canal but an alternate procedure was more appropriate.

Come see us today or schedule an appointment by calling us or using our online bookings system below and we'll help you determine whether root canal therapy is required!

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